Keep your resume updated and tailored to the position

Make sure that your resume is well-organized and readable. When applying to a position, customize each application you send to match the desired skills listed on the job posting. This is especially important if you are submitting your resume through an electronic portal. Many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems technology, which scans your resume and searches for keywords to match with the job posting.

Based on how this software perceives that your resume matches what the employer is asking for, it then determines if your resume should continue to the hiring manager. Tailoring your resume to the job position can help ATS recognize that your qualifications match. To maximize your resume’s effectiveness, try the following:

Change the skills section in your resume to reflect keywords from the job posting. If a job posting seems to focus on specific skills or characteristics, then including those in the text of your resume and cover letter is helpful.

Keep your resume layout simple and readable. Choose a resume format and style that employers can quickly read. Consider asking someone to look over your resume so you can gain perspective on how someone else may see it.

Keep your resume wording concise. To fill your resume with relevant information, try to keep the content simple and straightforward. This improves an employer’s ability to fully understand what skills you have.

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